Horse Logic DVD
Note: Buckaroo Crew members get access to all the videos on this DVD (plus all my other DVD's) and all my training courses too. Learn more about the Buckaroo Crew here: https://buckaroocrew.com
Go inside the mind of the horse and learn how to rise to the horse's level, speak his language, and become his confident leader. Most people see a problem and they look for the formula to fix it. But the key to solving recurring problems and having a harmonious horse-human relationship isn't done by following step 1, 2, and 3. It's done through acquiring a deep understanding of how a horse thinks. It's being able to recognize when the horse "gets it" or when he's confused. It's having the proper timing - knowing when to add pressure and when to release. Training formulas offer a quick fix, but they don't deal with the root.
On this DVD you'll discover...
- Why having "light" hands is not always the best solution and how being heavy is appropriate at times if you ever want to have a consistently light horse.
- How to make it the horse's idea to willingly and naturally do what you want by making the wrong thing difficult and the right thing easy.
- How to break things down into smaller steps so your horse can more easily grasp what you're trying to teach him.
Why little changes over time create HUGE changes and how to use daily interactions with your horse to create lifelong results.
- And much, much more.